Photo of Martha
About Martha

I’ve had a weight challenge since I was 8 years old. Over the years, I’d try this diet, that and the other, and every diet was filled with far too many impossible rules and limitations to be sustainable. With every failed attempt at weight loss, I’d give up and then immediately regain the weight, plus even more extra, unwanted pounds.

It wasn’t until I finally realized that weight management wasn’t about giving up foods but, instead, was about making lots of small and sustainable behavior changes that my 71 excess pounds came off. And 24 years later, the weight has stayed off.

By combining my 23 years as a WeightWatchers coach, my experience as a certified Dale Carnegie Trainer and over 2 decades as a Life Coach, I’ve created BehaviorSelf with Martha Muraro, a virtual life coaching program to help you find your path to creating real, meaningful and lasting success in all areas of your life.

I know how hard change can be. I’ve lived with those unsuccessful attempts myself. And, I know how to help you create the change you’re seeking, whether it’s one-on-one or in a group session.

Join me. Join us. You’ll be so glad you did!